ferm LIVING kid's new line-up for spring includes these super cute birdie pillows in small, medium and large. They'll be here in May! I can't wait to get one for my new nephew, Elias. This will be one of my first small steps in becoming his favorite aunt. I'm also in the process of making him a mobile out of wallpaper scraps. So far, it hasn't really come together as planned.
Luckily, if my DIY mobile plan fails, I'll have this adorable new mobile from ferm as backup!
Just wanted to share these great photos that Lauren, at Faulkner Design Group in Dallas, sent us. We love the wall stickers applications throughout the client's home, of course. And such great colors and graphics!
Just wanted to share this pretty post about love birds I saw on Lorena Rossi's blog. So pretty! While February 14 has thankfully come and gone, love must still be in the air. Even my yoga teacher played his Love Mix in class today. Nothing like doing downward dogs to Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back. Most fittingly to this post, we ended class with The Carpenter's "Why do birds suddenly appear..."
I just went to my very first acupuncture appointment on Cortland Ave in SF. Much to my surprise, located right next door, was a super cute boutique, Ladita, decorated with lots of ferm living. I'm not sure if it was the needles or the wallpaper, but I sure did feel better after my visit to Bernal Heights.
As a side note, my acupuncturist told me that I need to stop eating cheese from cows. Somehow this will make my liver happier which will somehow then stop my neck from aching. Does that make sense? Because that's asking a lot. Cheese is oftentimes the highlight of my day. It'd be like asking me to give up wallpaper. It feels wrong.
I stumbled upon this delightful post by Crooked Shmooked today - she matches up wallpaper designs with corresponding tights. Of course, upon seeing this, I had to find some ferm LIVING inspired leg wear...
This was the subject of the email from Dan, our friend and "web guy" and lo and behold, there were several of our wallpapers mentioned on one of our favorite blogs! Out of the styles she chose (Walldots, Bindweed and Forest Flower), personally, I'm partial to Bindweed, but I think any of them would be a fun, interesting addition to a nursery.
My friend recently went to visit her family in Taiwan. While there, she helped her mom put some some wall stickers in their new apartment. Nice work, CL! The stickers bring an unexpected touch of nature and delicacy to the rooms!
CL's mom might be the craftiest person I've ever met. She doesn't just have a sharp eye for interior design, but also happens to be a talented artist, knitter, seamstress.... and an incredible cook! Here's a huge spread of delicacies she whipped up for brunch - dumplings, pot stickers, soup. Oh man, I'm so hungry now.
We just saw the preview for the new Paul Rudd movie, "I Love You, Man" and what's that in the background? In it's onscreen debut, ferm LIVING's Ribbed wallpaper! It appears to be in the main characters' bedroom, so we're sure it's going to have more screen time than, say, Dame Judi Dench in "Shakespeare in Love." She won an Oscar for THAT?
Here's the trailer - it actually looks pretty funny. The wallpaper makes two appearances in the trailer alone. We're sure it's a shoo in for next year's Best Home Decor in a Supporting Role award.
Ferm LIVING unveiled lots of new lovely things at the Formland Fair in Denmark last week. We just received the catalog and can't wait for the new spring products to get here. Above is a pretty new line of ceramic mugs. I'll be buying 4 of the gold ones :)
Must figure out where I can put this new luggage wall sticker. I love the hand drawn feel of it.
The new things will be here in April, so we'll be sure to update our website when they are available!
Here in MN, many people have cabins on lakes - weekend getaways in the beautiful MN and WI wilderness. We are barely able to keep one house in working order, so we're not yet one of the fortunate ones to have a second home in the woods. Instead, we have the next best thing - friends with cabins. But when it came time to decorate our basement family room, I was inspired by the thought of a outdoorsy retreat. Family Tree Petrol was just the thing to create that vibe.
The corner with the fireplace has posed a bit of a conundrum for me. First, the fireplace itself. I don't like it. It's not horrible, but it's not great, either. I toyed with the idea of painting it white, but wasn't 100% convinced that was the right thing to do, so I waited. That was 6 months ago when we moved in and I'm still undecided. I'm also debating whether I should wallpaper that wall and the wall behind the television. The other thing is finding something to hang above it.
I'm leaning towards these fun cardboard deer heads. I think that they capture the tongue-in-cheek lodge-y feeling I'm going for. But I wonder whether a piece of artwork would be better?
I've always loved Ansel Adams's Moonrise Over Hernandez because it reminds me of northern New Mexico where I grew up.
Or this print from Lizzie Stewart, one of my etsy faves. I think the orange would pop nicely against the blue of the wallpaper...
And just in case we do eventually decide to do the cabin thing, I'm headed straight to Alchemy Architects for one of their weeHouses. Brilliant!
We're still trying to get the warehouse cleaned out, so we've reduced the prices of several of our wall stickers to 70% off. The following styles are available in very small quantities at this amazing price:
Branches in gold Flora in purple and blue Waterworld in red, blue and green Cherry Tree in purple Flower Field in black and red Birds in silver Bamboo in gold Falling Leaves in gold and silver Hexagon in black Butterflies in black Owls in black
Wall stickers are an easy, low commitment way to add an accent to a room. And at these prices, even your ex-boyfriend with the wandering eye would be able to commit. I think that the gold Branches or Bamboo would be stunning on a deep, peacock blue wall. And the Waterworld, Birds, Butterflies and Owls all make a fun statement in kids' rooms or playrooms. Hexagon has always been one of my favorite designs, and looks great on cabinets and doors. Also, wall stickers make great stencils! Ordinarily I think they're a little pricey to be used in a disposable manner, but at these prices, I say stencil away!
After last week's warehouse sale, we've got just a few rolls left in a few styles that we're offering to Clever Spaces readers. If you are interested in purchasing, email us at orders@fermlivingshop.us - all of the below are available for $46/roll: 1 roll Ribbed in White/Gray 1 roll Wilderness in Black Lacquer 1 roll Family Tree in Silver 1 roll Walldots in Bronze 1 roll Walldots in Silver
And for $30 a roll: 1 roll Collection 1 Bindweed 1 roll Collection 1 Orchid 5 rolls Collection 1 Clematis
And we have 2 opened rolls of Collection 1 Bindweed for $20 each - a small amount (12 inches or less) has been used of one, but otherwise they are undamaged.