My mom came to visit a couple weeks ago and we ended up doing dishes late night at which time I convinced her to wear this never before worn sexy apron (because, as I've mentioned before, I don't cook). She's rockin' it, I think! And check out those sexy tea towels in the background...
When she saw some of my Ferm Living goodies, she correctly decided that she needed some too. Here's one of my favorite Ferm Living pillows in my bedroom.
Here's the Columbine pillow my mom got. I'm jealous. Love the pop of persimmon!
Hooray, Ferm Living just released it's new catalog for Fall! Beyond the stunning photography and styling (in my opinion) there are a bunch of gorgeous new items that I'm thrilled to share with you. Let's start with the wool pouf above. In a world of poufs this one has got to be one of the most eye catching and original!
New tea towels. Can a person have too many tea towels? I ask this because I have, well, a lot and now I might need just one more...
A sweet little tea pot. It fits into this bowl, which is a great feature. Keep you biscuits underneath for a thoughtful presentation next time you have a friend for tea.
New Harlequin inspired wallpaper for adults...
and for kids. Plus, a sweet new blanket and pillow collection for kids too.
New geometric pillows in a range of mix and match colors.
Wool pillows with leather piping. Yes, please!
Here's, for certain, what I'll be buying immediately. 1. This remix cover for my bed. I think it is perfection. My heart beats faster each time I think about it...I seriously can't wait!
2. This gray leather tote. Gray leather = Love. Totes = Love. I'm no mathematician, but I'm almost sure it is mathematically impossible for me not to own this.
3. Thermo mugs for me and my friends. I find they make the best presents because they are not only pretty and nice to hold, but them come in really fun packaging so you don't have to wrap them...bonus.
All these new items will be available for pre-order at Ferm Living Shop next month, and we will start shipping in early November!
I was working on a bit of a tedious task yesterday, which is why I was extra grateful for my twitter friends to break up the day. For example, we received a link to this USA Today video which features Twitter Co-Founder, Jack Dorsey, talking about his new company Square. And, in the background is our Remix Wallpaper. Doesn't it look great on TV? :) I also like that he is sitting on a chesterfield. A smart man, with great taste in decor - what a catch!
I was "researching" on Pinterest the other day and ran into some gorgeously styled photos of Ferm Living products that I wanted to share. These are all from Style Cookie. Here's our Harlequin wallpaper looking quite breathtaking, if you ask me :) A Birdie pillow looking quite cozy with all her friends.
If you're ever looking for wallpaper inspiration (or for a way to kill some time...), I pin all of my favorite wallpaper pictures on Pinterest. You're welcome to follow me or check out my board!
It starts today in San Francisco! Which is good timing, since I just finished putting together the slides for my panel this morning. Nothing like a deadline for motivation... I'll be speaking with Shayna of Pattern Pulp. Am excited to meet her and hear all about what they do.
Think I'll begin by chatting about how we got started with Ferm Living Shop oh so long ago! It actually all began with this chair. It is a long story. Don't worry, I'll just be hitting the highlights at the conference. I only discuss the more boring details over drinks.
Mostly, I'll be talking about PATTERNS! The good, the bad, the best. Staying on trend, creating a classic, uniquely loved vs universally accepted. What inspires them, why I am obsessed with them, etc. There will be a lot of great speakers over the weekend that I'm looking forward to learning from. Definitely check it out. Here's the schedule. Happy Weekend!
My lovely parents came to stay with me this past weekend, so I figured what better way to jump start their visit than by inviting some friends over for ham, right? An obvious choice. To start off ham night right, there a few things to buy - fresh flowers, cheese and pasta.
Also, gin of the plastic bottle variety and limes. Their visit was also a good excuse to break in my new Ferm Living cutting boards. Aren't they fantastic? :) Here's the littlest one awaiting some lime slicing.
The ham. Okay, so it's pre-sliced. No chopping board necessary.
I ran into a friend on the bus one day, and she raved about the Honey Baked Home store in my neighborhood. I was intrigued, as it didn't look particularly inviting from the outside. Much to my delight, the ham was delicious and it all worked out okay!