Meg's Crafting a Meaningful Home got me thinking about the last time Aimee and I were in a book together - our senior yearbook. Yes, it actually did glow in the dark. It was a tie in with Los Alamos's 50th Anniversary that year. Get it? Living in the Atomic City... we glow! Yeah, well, we tried. As I was packing up all my stuff last week, I pulled out my old yearbook and took a trip down memory lane.
Aimee and I were best friends in high school, so like all BFFs did at the time, we took out an section at the end of the yearbook to memorialize our status or something. Did you all do this? Or was this a small town thing? The last 30 pages of our yearbook contain lots of best friend dedications (mostly with photos taken at Kim Jew which I wonder about now - was that the only professional photographer in the state of New Mexico?) and sections with pictures of graduating seniors as kids that their parents dedicated to them wishing them all the best. At the time Aimee and I had been friends for 8 years, and we thought that was a lifetime. Well...forward MANY more years, and we're still helping each other through life's twists and turns. She's definitely family now (along with Manny and her cute boys!), and we get to be business partners too - what a deal!
Here's my parents' dedication. I'd forgotten all about it. I still feel that way a lot, like I'm wondering what's going on else where. What am I missing out on? I would like to point out my heart necklace - one of my very first DIYs. I was so proud of it! The magic of pipe cleaners.
Here's the one Aimee's parents did for her. So cute! Please note her early artist skills - very nice! She's probably not going to love this, but I'd also like for you to note her nickname. Because it is awesome. Something else I'd completely forgotten was the very cohesive theme of our yearbook, as exhibited by some of these clever section titles ;)
Of course, Aimee and I were on the yearbook staff pictured above, and we may or may not take credit for the play on glow, just depends... Alright, well that's all for the 1993 flashbacks - Gotta glow!
We just got a copy of Meg Mateo Ilasco's new book, Crafting a Meaningful Home. We've be so excited to see it in print. There are so many lovely projects made by some of our favorite artists and designers like Oh Joy!, Yellow Owl Workshop, Good on Paper, and Meg herself, just to name a few!
Aimee and I were thrilled to be included. We made some New Mexican inspired wallpaper luminarias - you can read more about them at Picnics! We also were both grateful for the excuse to hit up Anthropologie for some new dresses for the shoot :)
Here's the Union Jack I wallpapered together with Birds on Branches, Wilderness in Gold and Amaze. My friend, Michael, came over to help me, and a few hours later... Bob's your Uncle, a Union Jack was in the house just in time for tea :)
Thanks so much, Meg! And, big congratulations on your fabulous book!
We're heading to the State Fair today. I'm not going to eat anything that isn't on a stick, that is for sure. Will I see cows sculpted out of butter? Oh wait, I might be getting confused with the Iowa State Fair - which also happens to score high points in the food on a stick category!
Ferm Living popped up on two of our most favorite design blogs this week, so we just wanted to share and say thanks! Read this post on decor8 about Ferm Living's styling. We agree. They do such a fabulous job over there in Denmark! Thanks, Holly!
And we loved seeing Trine's bedroom with wilderness wallpaper in the best bedrooms sneak peek on designsponge. Thanks, Grace! It is one of our favorites too!
We're so, so excited to show you all the new things for fall Ferm Living is showing at the Formland Fair this weekend! We expect to have then in stock in October, and will start taking preorders in September. I'm already making some serious plans for how to use the striped wallpaper, I can tell you that for sure!
I am also head over heals in love with these knitted baskets. I'll be needing approximately a bunch of these. So cool!, and practical too...
Coordinating knitted floor pillows - yes please!
Pretty wooden hooks!
Geometric pattern in Turquoise. Bring it.
How adorable - Darling Clementine prints and wallpaper! New graphic pillows - pretty sure my sofa is needing a couple of these. Just love the unique mix of colors.
Lovely storage box for jewelry or ?? - Pretty!
Stacks of napkin rings to brighten up your table.
Porcelain flasks. Love these.
Digging this throw blanket in such happy colors.
And, what a fun, retro interpretation of a forest, yes?
Be sure to check our website in a few weeks for the full line up!
I'm working on a project that involves finally making that room divider I've been talking about wanting to put together! I discovered a great hardware store in my neighborhood that cut the boards for me which was the key to starting the process...
I then painted the edges black. And, continued to paint the front as a primer type thing. Being too lazy to go find actually primer and not sure if it is necessary, this was my compromise. Did I also compromise on the adequacy of protecting my walls from black paint spray by using one strip of painters tape? My landlord would most likely argue yes :) I'll be using one of my favorite wallpaper designs - wilderness wallpaper in black lacquer. Let the wallpaper party begin. I'll show you the end results in a few weeks!
As I suspected, I'm not going to end up having lots of free time for fun Friday field trips... But I did spend my morning hunting for gold vintage brooches (found em! at my favorite Hunt & Gather) and gold leaf paint (which as far as I can tell doesn't exist...) for a little project I'm working on. More about that soon! In the meantime, check out the above. Pantone tins at Blick. Love them. Also, I just downloaded several months worth of iphone pics, and thought I'd post a few so you can tell that I'm not actually slacking on this blog lately. It is just I've been so busy doing very important things ;)
A garden path at the Walker sculpture garden. Perfect to stroll through before a happy hour. That's when you're timing things perfectly.
The front of this card says "I'm sorry you are going through a rough time right now..." I cropped out "sh*tty" because I have delicate sensibilities like that. If you sent me this card, I would think 1. you have a good sense of humor and 2. you are very insightful.
The guy here looks EXACTLY like this guy Doug Krantz that Aimee and I went to high school with. I was so tripped out by the doppelganger thing occuring here. Since the friends I was with never met Doug, they understandably didn't really seem to care. So I took a picture to send to Aimee in order to have someone share in the experience. She thought the photographic evidence was unpersuasive. I suppose she makes a good point. Check out those CB2 lights, though. Those sure do look good in a lot of different place, blurry or not.
I miss my bicycle. I miss my bicycle basket too. I wish people didn't steal things. I also wish people wouldn't tell you all about their Kryptonite locks when you are tearfully telling them that your back got stolen. It doesn't help anything.
How AMAZING is the copper daybed? I have no idea where to get one, but that's not a huge issue because I'm very sure I couldn't afford one. Still, something to dream about for one day!
Last, but of course not least, here's one of my favorite wallpaper applications ever. It is Matthew Williamson's bedroom in the book, New London Style. I adore it! Love the way the greens and lines in the forest photography peak through into the damask wallpapered room. Now, that is how you flow.
Just saw a little sneak peek for the new Fall 2010 collection on Our Favorite Things blog at ferm LIVING in Denmark. They are debuting the new collection at Formland in a couple weeks, so we should have many more pictures for you soon!
Since it may or may not be one of my last few weeks in Minneapolis for a while, I decided to spend Fridays enjoying some midwestern living. Or at least that's the plan until I get too busy with working and packing... First up, Valley Fair with Aimee and her family! A half hour out of the city and we were basically stepping back into the late 1980's, early 1990s. I kept having flashbacks to my last time I was actually at an amusement park - Magic Mountain in Southern California with my high school friends including none other than Aimee, of course. The same music played the whole time. Same food, same smells, same laughs. People were mostly wearing shorts and tees so the fashion was seriously hard to distinguish from 20 years ago. And, I'm sure Aimee and I looked just as youthful. Wait...
Early on in the day, Manny and I decided it would be a good idea to give this water ride a go.
It was not.
Not at all. I was anticipating a sprinkling of water, not water being slammed directly into my eye balls while being spun around in mid air. Interestingly, I think I'd probably do it again.
Because Manny and I didn't want to suffer alone in our soaked-ness, we convinced the boys and Aimee to take a spin on the water log ride.
MJ and Jackson LOVED it! Aimee's experience was a little different.
Then there was food on sticks! A must do.
Aimee and Manny on Wild Thing. You make everything...queasy.
We all hoped for a different outcome at the soccer booth. It ended with one of us in tears briefly. Manny thinks there was something wrong with the balls though, so it's cool.
Don't worry, these guys are singing Nirvana right here. Jolt back to the year 2010. They most certainly would not have gotten away with this in the 90s.
Grand finale of the day - Steel Venom. Or Blue Steele, or Steel Magnolias, or names that involve words I shouldn't repeat in this forum. Needless to say, Aimee and I frequently entertain ourselves by coming up with names for things that already have perfectly adequate names to see if we can make them, well, dumb.
I know this doesn't have much to do with wallpaper or design. But, I realized that I haven't laughed that much in one day in a very, very long time. And sometimes that's more important. More important than wallpaper? I know, can you imagine... Thanks Lagos family!
I spent some quality time checking out the galleries on LivingEtc and IdealHome on Sunday and was pleasantly surprised to run into a Ferm Living love bird pillowhere! Black and white in the bedroom is always a good choice.
Side note: Be sure to check out My Favorite Wallpaper Applications on Pinerest. I found lots of good stuff this weekend!