Rare Device opened its bright blue doors yesterday on Market Street in San Francisco, and the most appropriate way to describe such an occasion is to simply say (yell), "JUBI!" It's our understanding that "jubi" can be used to substitute for "yay" in Denmark. Except that being Danish, it is much more sophisticated and chic, and it evokes infinitely more joy and excitement than a mere "yay."
My friend Lidia went with me to the opening party. What a great turn out! It was almost too crowded to shop. But... we managed.
I was so excited to see ferm LIVING's wallpaper in the space that I completely lost my will to budget and bought this funky matt & nat bag. Luckily, Lidia helped me justify my celebratory purchase (that's what good friends are for, right?) so I can carry around my jem of a vegan bag with very little shopper's guilt.
Aimee and I really admire Rare Device SF's owners, Rena Tom and Lisa Congdon (above), for their taste in great design, so we really do feel jubilant that they chose to paper a wall with Family Tree and feature ferm LIVING in their store.
An extra and unexpected bonus was seeing this crafty mobile created by Lisa from paper scraps including ferm's Family Tree, as well as some swatches of a custom Red Sky WallCollection wallpaper designed by of Julia Rothman (consider this a very, very sneak preview - WallCollection launches soon!)! Read more about Rena, Lisa and Rare Device SF at poppytalk and dwell.com.
Stop in to check out their fantastic selection of unique cards, books, jewelry, wallpaper (of course...) and other rare finds. The space also doubles as a gallery showcasing work from local artists. You might find yourself somewhere between parched and completely overwhelmed after browsing through their impeccable collection (and inevitably buying something you didn't even know you needed - trust me), which is why you can count yourself lucky that Rare Device happens to be located across from the Orbit Room where you can gather your thoughts while sipping down the city's best bloody mary. See you there!
Note to Trine: If "jubi" doesn't actually mean something similar to "yay" but better, please don't tell us. Aimee and I like saying it too much and would hate to have to drop it from our vocabulary.
I unabashedly love all things Martha, and was tickled to see Old News in Blueprint (MS Living's hipper younger sister, if you will)! I've often toyed with the tempting, but ultimately too decadent, notion of using wallpaper to wrap a gift. If you don't already get this magazine, this month's issue will have you filling out a subscription form.
These adorable and inexpensive rings were featured in their holiday gift guide and are from Avon's Mark. line - who knew? Incidentally, they are among "Lauren Conrad's Favorites." For the record, we would never, ever buy a favorite of Heidi Montag's. I especially love how their gift guide included several DIY options - homemade gifts are always a hit, and Blueprint will help you whip something up that doesn't look like it was made by a 7 year old.
And there is also a fantastic story about the home of Amy and David Butler in charming Granville, OH. When I briefly lived in Columbus, Granville was a favorite weekend destination and is truly a gem. As are Amy's fabrics- maybe when our custom service launches, we can get her to do some wallpaper patterns!
INSPIRED magazine put together a fun collection of black and white designs to help its readers add this classic color combination to their interiors. Our Old News and Silhouette wallpapers were among the featured objects of attraction. We love all the intricate damask designs and nature-inspired art work available these days in simple black and white.
Thank you for including ferm LIVING in your black book, Jessica!
We just put together an instructional video to demonstrate how to properly hang your wall stickers. It also happens to have some pretty smooth beats, in case you're looking to set the right mood...
We hope this helps with your hanging. And, please don't hesitate to email or call us with any questions about our wall stickers (or anything else, for that matter)!
Katie, in San Francisco, wanted to add a little more color to her bathroom, so decided to go with the Polka Dot pattern. We think this looks so sweet - very feminine and flirty! Thanks for sharing your bathroom with us, Katie.
It's DRESS YOUR WALLS MONTH over at casasugar.com. To help Casa readers make their homes even sweeter this month, we're giving away our wallpaper to the wall most in need. If you've been thinking about creating an eye-catching accent wall, we encourage you to enter and win some ferm LIVING! All entrants receive a discount too, so there's nothing to lose! We're really looking forward to hearing about people's ideas for how they'd use ferm wallpaper in their living spaces, and we're planning to post the winner's finished wall later on.
PS - Ben's more famous.
Thanks casasugar for inviting us to help out this month! Our wallpaper is your wallpaper.
Maison Luxe in Seattle is now carrying ferm LIVING! Maison Luxe offers just that - elegant, luxurious products for the home. So, we are thrilled to be among its selection of gorgeous goods.
We've also been enjoying reading more about fabulous design finds on Maison Luxe' s new blog. Pure lovely!
If you're in the area, be sure to stop in and check out ferm LIVING's wallpapers. Feeling particularly indulgent? We recommend this lavish Lilly mirror! Wouldn't that look great against the Wilderness pattern? Or Wild Flower? Or Branch...
ferm LIVING was recently invited to participate in Townhouse DK in London along with some other inspiring Danish designers. I'm quite captivated by the living room. It is very understated and fresh. I think the way the Branches Wall Sticker is placed to grow up from the ground is so creative and really adds to the room's calming appeal.
We'll be participating in a similar exhibit in Vancouver, Danish Way of Living, opening on October 30th and running through mid-December. We're so excited to be featured with some of our favorite Danish design companies including Georg Jensen, Midform, Verpan, and Erik Joergensen. If you're in the Gastown area (142 Water Street), please stop by and say hello.
Here's another picture of some rooted Branches. Hmmm, I guess I really should go to yoga today. I'd love to feel this planted. Just breathe in....
ferm LIVING's Wall Stickers were just featured in Silicon Valley's the WAVE, along with High-Rise jeans and vitamin-infused Lotus Vodka. You can read the full article here. We really enjoyed the write-up and agree that people should lose their bland walls in favor of "casual art" wall decals. We're all for it! We haven't tried the healthy vodka yet, but are definitely behind the concept. High-rise jeans, on the other hand, we'll forever struggle with...
Because the last time I can remember actually being quoted in print was in the Aspen Daily News circa 1999 when my roommate's boyfriend accidentally burned our apartment down (I believe I said something like, "I hope he now more fully understands why halogen lamps aren't meant to be used as towel racks"), I thought I'd draw a little attention to my quote: "Ferm means 'clever' in Danish, and we think our wall stickers are just that, a unique and interesting way to add personality and atmosphere to any room." I stand by it! Same goes for my halogen lamp quote, in case there are any doubters. Thank you for the great write-up, Jo!
One of my new favorites, the Love Birds design, was also pictured in the article. Coincidentally, a sample of it just arrived from Denmark, which I couldn't wait to "test out" in my entry way. I think it gives a lovely first impression of my apartment. Our first shipment of the new wall stickers designs will arrive in November!
And, in more fun Bay Area news, we just got another shout out in Apartment Therapy: San Francisco. Thanks AT and Not Martha!
One clever attorney in San Francisco just used the Power Pole Wall Sticker to add some style and personality to his law office. Matt recently moved into a new office space at his firm and couldn't figure out what to do with his large, bare wall until he discovered the Power Pole while diligently conducting on-line research. What you are about to see is some truly innovative attorney work product.*
Here's the before:
The Power Pole really adds some spark to this office space. If only every legal issue could be so easily resolved... Thanks for sharing your office with us, Matt. Happy lawyering!
*CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The contents of this blog entry may be privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended reader, please delete it without reading it. Your reading of this blog entry is not intended to waive any applicable privilege.