I couldn't sleep last night, so decided to read a little NYmag on my lap top. Good timing, because just as I was reading about whether James Franco is for real (a very interesting question to which I think the answer is no), I received a comment on this post that pointed me to the gorgeous website of photographer Lisa Romerein! So, in case you didn't get enough eye candy last night from, for example, the Mad Men premiere, here is some visual amazement. Above: I want to have a French Martini there, either booth will do. Below: Oh my, yes please on the floor, the chairs, the everything.
Love the placement of the two mirrors, and how about that stool?
That lantern, where to start? I want one. The high ceilings, sure, I want those too.
Simple and beautiful. Breathtaking. I want that blanket. I also want to be able to pay rent, so I'm out of luck for now :)
I'll take him and his kitchen sink, please.
Now THAT is how you do a red accent wall. Or you could do it with wallpaper too, of course!
Paula of Mabel and Violet posted her fantastic office make-over this week - read the full story here! She used fir tree wallpaper to create a contrasting accent wall in her office nook. She also added some shelving for what looks to be a very organized and easily accessible work space.
Here's the before...
Pretty great how easily some pretty wallpaper can transform a space. A vintage lamp also doesn't hurt anything. We love that she added in some ferm living pillows too. I, for one, and am strong advocate for office napping.
Carrie, from OhDeeDoh, was kind enough to send over this fantastic birthday blog post by Design Addict Mom. We spy ferm living wilderness wallpaper in green and it looks fantastic. What a great backdrop for a party. And, what an ADORABLE party!
Baby Zion - also adorable! I am a huge, huge sucker for paper lanterns and spring blossoms, so this really hits the spot.
Also, I could go for some of that cake. Especially if it was ice cream cake. How good does that sound right now? I'll tell you that it sounds light years better than the apple juice with crazy greens energy powder I just forced down (via GOOP - two thumbs down with the green powder plan, Gwyneth...). I much prefer green wallpaper to green power drinks, that is for sure. Thanks so much for the heads up, Carrie, and a very happy birthday to you, Zion!
I really love how decor can create such different moods. Here's a favorite ceiling lamp of mine (via designformandkind). Combined with wilderness wallpaper in white, it'd be like living in disco heaven!
This huge photograph of dark, mysterious ocean waves with a touch of sparking sunlight is just SO AMAZING (sorry, I can't remember where I found the image...). I think the wilderness wallpaper in black lacquer evokes a similarly intriguing yet calming vibe. Or maybe I'm just feeling moody? :)