This week's wallpapered room was inspired by our friend, Olivia. She stopped by this weekend with her mom (and our great friend, Kate) to do a little "modeling" for us. She also wanted to wallpaper, so we decided to try out some samples first to see which she liked best. Her favorite ended up being Dotty! I picked out some other things to go along with the dotty pattern for when she graduates to a big girl's room - the Oeuf Sparrow bed, Pottery Barn Kids chandelier and plain lavender bedding.
Olivia proved that picking a favorite wallpaper design is not an easy decision. At first she thought maybe butterflies.
But then the Rush Hour really caught her attention...
My best wallpapering friend Michael is moving to Spain, so what better way to wish him farewell than a final wallpaper job! And this one was a goodie! We put up Tree Bomb in Blue to make the entrance to this beautiful home even grander.
First, we did wallpaper liner because the wall texture was a bit too bumpy. Here's Michael painting the liner with primer.
I was tasked with the measuring and cutting. Always a touch nerve racking, as I generally don't trust my ability to pay attention to detail.
First strip up!
Half way there. All done! We think it looks spectacular!
Thank you so much for all your help, Michael. Safe travels!
Here's a beautiful before and after I just came across on Rachel blog, Raenovate! She featured a loft bedroom transformed by Jennifer Jones of Niche Interiors using our little leaves in dark grey/bronze. So pretty! I wish we could this shot in our promotional materials :)
I went over to my neighbors, one evening this week to help them with an accent wall. This was their first wallpaper project and it turned out so well. They are hooked!
In just two hours the wall was transformed into stunning! We were really excited about how beautiful it turned out!
A big highlight of my inbox is finding a picture of wallpaper from a happy wallpaper, so yesterday's highlight was, of course, when Jim just sent over this picture of his beautiful dining room! He wallpapered it in Ribbed over the weekend and thinks it looks great. Agreed! He also noted that hanging it "was actually pretty darn easy." It's true, you know. I actually helped my neighbor wallpaper an accent wall last night and we completed it in under 2 hours! What's to lose? Thanks so much for sharing this picture with us, Jim!
My friend Jess, just sent me this cute Apartment Therapy link (thank you!), which linked to a really sweet picture from Home Sweet Home. Framing wallpaper is such a great idea, and definitely reinforces our belief that wallpaper truly is art!
Apartment Therapy also linked to here ... which I can't believe I've never seen before as I'm a huge Door Sixteen fan! How'd I'd miss this? Maybe I was too busy wallpapering...
I recently remembered, we'd never actually posted a picture from when our wall sticker was on Trading Spaces. Goil, our favorite Top Designer ever, used the branches to liven up a fraternity's conference room. Anyway, I went to check out Goil's website at TUG Studio and ran into these pics.
These are from his studio where he put up the Power Pole. Love it. And there's his cute little pup, Lily.
Above is some kind of awesome chair he created. I dig. Happy Friday!
What a day. I had to rent a car to run a bunch of errands, and to save a few bucks, I went to a pretty sketchy rental place. The car they were supposed to rent me had some mechanical problems, so they "upgraded" me to a black convertible PT Cruiser. I cranked up Movin' 99.7, and, I can't lie, I was secretly enjoying the experience, until I realized I would just about die if anyone I knew saw me rolling around town in such a state. I was feeling so good after checking off many to dos on my list till my altercation with a neighbor in the parking garage - to which I'd just like to say.. what is the deal with people using annoyingly condescending vocabulary? I mean I really don't care how smart you are, I'd prefer you be a little bit nice.
My point being, I'm so relieved to be able to be sipping a cocktail and thinking about pretty wallpaper!! Aimee picked the discontinued Ikea bed to decorate around. I'm going to complement the modern clean edges with the more natural, soft feel of family tree in silver and some stumpy bedside tables. The bedding is a dark charcoal rosette design from Anthropologie.
The afternoons this week in Colorado have been bringing a few rain showers. What a perfect excuse to crawl back in bed with my laptop to "work" on perusing my favorite design blogs. Here's my round up. First off. I LOVE this blog. Equally, I love the idea of wallpapering the underside of shelves. Must do this.
Another FABULOUS blog. Definitely one of my favorites and one of the best!
Which is why I found it very cool that Jenny gave ferm LIVING a shout out among the grooviest wallpaper. As a side note, Black Rose is on sale - just a couple rolls left... If you don't buy them, they are going in my next apartment. Save me from myself. Please.
Next up? City Sage. I met Anne at the recent Blog Out Loud event and became a big fan of her blog shortly thereafter! Thanks for including ferm LIVING in your pillow round-up, Anne. We also are digging the Wallpaper to a Rooms she put together, below!
Another fave, Simply Lovely is truly just that! So, of course, we were thrilled that Joslyn included our wilderness pattern in the things she's been loving. She also included this outfit from JCrew, which got me thinking... I really want these!
Last, but not least, we were happy that our Squares wallpaper was included in CasaSugar's 10 Coolest black/white wallpapers. Agreed!
I'm a bit late with my wallpaper line up this week. Aimee picked this gorgeous credenza from a local Minneapolis company (her 3+ post is here!). I wanted to go a bit rock star this week with a new ferm living pattern and then combined that with a more simple faced clock. The final piece is this awesome hippo from Rose & Radish to celebrate their new store opening in SF.
Instead of blogging like a good wallpaper sales girl yesterday, I spent the afternoon with my sister-in-law, Beth, my nephew, Eli, and Luna the dog. We went hiking in the West Elk Wilderness and soaked in the smells of autumn in the Rocky Mountains. Ahhhh....
How am I expected to get work done when there's this little smiley face around?
It was fun to run into this trend alert at casasugar about the Union Jack trend in interiors.
My friend Michael actually helped me make this Union Jack wall mural out of wallpaper a few months ago. Its going to be in a book coming out next year, which we're super excited about. I happen to think Union Jacks are kind of a classic, and hope they'll stick around forever! Maybe it's the English blood in me :) The other main point of this post? That's right, you can make just about anything with wallpaper!
Christiana is flying home to New Mexico today to visit her family for a bit, so I thought I'd post this lovely blog appearance that I just came across. Thanks to A Merry Mishap for the mention! We're so excited for the new designs to arrive...