We recently put up our ferm Kid's butterflies wallpaper for Zadie who lives over in the East Bay with her mom and dad. I'd never seen this pattern up in person before and thought it turned out so adorable! We decided to wallpaper only up to the railing to keep the room height feeling shorter and a little more cozy. After a coffee and some pre-cutting, it went up quickly! As soon as we left, Zadie got to work creating stories about her butterflies. At the moment, she likes to pretend they are in a forest and that she's Max from Where the Wild Things Are!
Just came across this post from Apartment Therapy Chicago featuring our Coat Tree sticker, which is perfect for small entryways. If I could just get it to remind my kids to hang their backpacks up, take their shoes off and CLOSE THE DOOR SO THE DOG DOESN'T GET OUT...
Liam and Luz live in Noe Valley, and they know how to rock it out! Their parents are really good friends of mine going back to our law school days, and I've been lucky enough to be invited to lots of their bbqs and get togethers over the years (which always include lovely wine and cheese! sometimes in excess if there is such a thing...not that I'm complaining!). Lately, Liam and Luz have been willing to share all the dance moves they've been learning at school with us, and can I just say they've got RHYTHM!
Liam and Luz also have great taste in home decor and don't seem to be adverse to sharing - two exceptional qualities in a person! They split a set of Owl wall sticker and seem to be very happy with the outcome. Above, Luz went with the big Owl.
And Liam, rolled with the two little ones...
Nothing like an owl to watch over you (or your stuffed animals) while you sleep!
We're very happy to announce that all ferm LIVING kids textile products are now made with 100% organic cotton! Now you don't have to worry about your little one snuggling up to any chemicals or pesticides. This includes existing pillow designs as well as our new Birdie pillows and our adorable mobiles.
Kati just sent over these fabulous before and afters of her gorgeous dining room! We LOVE hearing from customers and seeing ferm LIVING play a role in their fabulous room transformations!
Here are a few of the before/after shots. What a HUGE difference! I dig the new crisp white trim with the deep blues - very eye-catching and sophisticated! Just the right touch of drama for a dining room, I think.
In her email, Kati was so sweet to mention how inspired she was by the wallpaper! You can read about the room redo on her blog, Tagurity. Thank you, Kati! Happy dining!
Here are a couple crates from Ikea that I wallpapered for this little segment we did on View from the Bay. They are the perfect size for file folders, if you're wanting an alternative to file cabinets :)
While I was waiting in the lobby for the taping, trying not to panic, I realized I'd forgotten to send my mom a picture of my new bang trim that much to her satisfaction was meant to cover some of my larger than average forehead.
So, unfortunately, it looks like I got the sides of the forehead covered, but replaced the problem with an even more unacceptable middle part. I can't remember anything much from the taping except saying "totally" a lot, so it's possible my hair stayed like this. Luckily, there was lots of pretty wallpaper to focus on and distract from this middle part gaffe (I hope!). This picture does, however, perfectly capture how I was feeling about the impending situation...
Afterward, I stopped by the Curiosity Shoppe who was throwing a launch party for their Wallpaper Projects book. You can pick up a copy right here!
We even got to make buttons, which turns out to be so easy you can do it and drink Prosecco at the same time!
I rocked out my favorite - wilderness in white and gold! Thank you Derek and Lauren!
In between designing lovely new things for Spring, becoming a new mom and getting married, Trine, ferm LIVING's founder, just revamped her guest bathroom! Above is the after and before. The key ingredient to the transformation - wild flower in bronze, and we think it looks perfectly fabulous!
Just wanted to share a few of the things that ferm LIVING is sharing with Modern Cabana at Sunset's celebration weekend. I went down to Sunset on Thursday to help put some ferm things in their "tiny house." It was the perfect excuse to get out of the office and do one of my favorite things - wallpaper flat surfaces. Above is me putting up the coat tree wall sticker. A perfect alternative for those how like the idea of a coat tree, but live in a small space!
Could it have been a little straighter? Ummm, yes.
So fun! Here, we wallpapered some shoe boxes in wilderness to add more fun into the storage closet. We just used spray advesive - super easy!
Again, we used spray adhesive to apply the wallpaper to the metal filing cabinet. Super quick and easy, and a really nice way to add a natural element to the tiny room!
Here's Sunset stylist extraordinairre, Miranda, arranging the items on the desk so the top shelves look as beautiful as the filing cabinet we wallpapered. Or something like that :)
Lacking business cards for the business card holder, I immediately offered up a few of mine. This is a technique employed by Coca-Cola - subliminal advertising. If people see the name enough times, they'll eventually want it, right??? I'll keep you posted...
They also let me write on a chalkboard candle which was actually much more difficult that the wallpaper projects. It took me three tries to get it looking legible. Mrs. Clifton, my fourth grade teacher was correct, I was not blessed with nice handwriting technique and, yes, that is something I should have worked on.
Be sure to stop by Sunset this weekend and check it out! Thank you so much, Sunset, for inviting us to help out!
Super exciting to be thumbing through the latest 7X7 and see ferm LIVING's family tree pop into the picture! Derek and Lauren at the Curiosity Shoppe were featured on the magazine's design page and detailed the wallpapered door panel in their apartment as well as their fantastic wallpaper book (available here)!
Our new thermo mugs are almost here! We'll start selling them next week at fermlivingshop.us. The perfect reminder to sit down, take a little break and enjoy a calming moment with something very, very pretty in hand.
Anna at Door Sixteen, one of our very favorite bloggers, took a small vacation last week. Instead of traveling far away, she spent her time off working on various projects around her lovely home. She's been threatening to use our berry black wallpaper for quite a long time, so I was just thrilled to see how it turned out. Definitely worth the wait! I love how serene the pattern feels with her impeccably selected accessories and touches of red. You can read her full post here. Anna, we hope you found a little time to relax too!