Christiana and I were both raised to believe that voting is not a privilege but an obligation - and for this election in particular, we've decided to do a little more to help ensure that everyone's vote will count. We are volunteering with Election Protection - a non-partisan organization that recruits attorney volunteers staffs polling places and operates a hotline to help give people information how to vote as well as monitor against polling irregularities. They are in their final phases of fundraising and need donors to help ensure that they can provide this valuable service to as many voters as possible. If anyone is interested in donating, you can do so on their website. It's a great cause and it makes us feel as though our 3 years of law school were not a total wash.
In the meantime, mine is a family divided. While I won't say how my husband and I lean, MJ is a fervent Obama supporter while Jackson wants John McCain to win because "he looks like your father" (for the record, Grandpa Jerry does not look like John McCain other than the fact that they are both older white gentlemen). We'll be taking them both to the polls with us on Tuesday so they can see democracy in action and will hopefully become life long voters as well.
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