Oops, I totally forgot to post this fabulous bathroom with our Fashion Wallpaper on a recent Apartment Therapy tour through the home of Hallie and Mark in Maryland. Isn't it great? We love wallpapered small spaces and the black/white/red combo is one of our favorites.
I also just realized it sure has been a while since the last blog post. Woah. Has this summer been nuts, or what? Anyway, we're looking forward to sharing Ferm Living's new things for fall at the beginning of next month. And, I've been "test driving" some of my favorite ferm things, which I'll be sharing soon too.
Ferm Living wallpapers are now at Hygge Cooperative too!
Along with these sky and sea inspired goodies! Be sure to check them out :)
We were so happy to see our new cutting boards in Elle Decor UK last month. I'm quite smitten with them and just got a couple from my kitchen in the hopes it will motivate me to cook (or at least chop). Chop bloody mary garnish, a the very least. By the way, what is a better way to spend an afternoon than with European shelter magazines and a cocktail?
Okay, maybe riding a bike is? Something else that is making me happy is riding my new bicycle around the city. It is such a pretty green, no? And, yes, I chose the color based on whether it would work with my leopard helmet. It is leaning against what is about to become a wallpapered accent wall. More on that later... I also installed that birdie chandelier and was delighted/dumbfounded that all the bulbs worked. Although I know there's a scientific explanation, it felt like a miracle.