Just downloaded some pictures from a couple trips I recently took up to the Atlas Mountains and realized I have a thing for empty seating. (Or I have no friends, who can tell? :) I love how this simple canvas chair pops against the tile, and yes, the mountains don't make it any uglier.
And, I'm becoming obsessed with low, lounge type dining. Having a view is also a bonus. But, being able to eat and then nap without excusing oneself from the table has a lot of appeal. Has anyone seen this type of seating done in a modern interior. I feel like you'd have to keep the rest of the room low? But, maybe not? Might be worth trying to pull off in my next place...
It has been a rainy few days here in Marrakesh. Am regretting not packing more sweaters or a rain jacket. On the bright side, don't the Atlas Mountains look gorgeous?
In an equal attempt at brightsiding the weather, I most happily discovered that a Paul recently opened here. Few things are better to lift cloudy weather spirits than unexpected freshly baked Parisian breads.
In design related news, I've decided this is my favorite Moroccan tile pattern. Of course, this decision might have been influenced by it being found in what was possibly the greatest shower I've ever taken. I wish I could just rent the bathroom space here. I'd be perfectly content to sleep in the bathtub. Anyway, wouldn't that make a pretty wallpaper? I'm not usually an earth tones person, but there something about the subtle, warm mix of colors that I just adore.
Don't you just love this mix of modern and Moroccan?
First up on my Moroccan wish list? This vintage, wool wedding blanket. I think the chevron pattern feels a bit modern, yet still timeless. Now, if only my budget and suitcase would allow for it...
We ran some errands in town today, so I thought I'd snap a few pictures of Marrakech street life. The traffic is pretty intense with lots of buses, scooter and an occasional donkey.
Just finishing up my first week on the job at Peacock Pavilions in Marrakech, Morocco! I'm working on a project here for the next month or so, and you guessed it - the opportunity came along because of ferm living wallpaper. All good things do! I might be a little light on the blogging while I'm here, but, I hope to be able to share design inspiration and some travel tales as they unfold!