Just a few highlights (or things I took photos of...) from my trip back to the bay! Above is Hooker's Sweet Treats. The interior is so lovely, the coffee is strong and yummy and the salty chocolate caramels are out of this world.
Speaking of handmade, does anyone know where I can find a knitting pattern similar to this hat? I was trying to be good and not spend money, but argh, I love this hat. I'm having non-buyer's regret.
Pre-Rare Device party, I stopped by another book launch for Leslie Williamson's Handcrafted Modern book. It is GORGEOUS and a fascinating look inside the homes of some true design icons.
Earlier that day... I bought the last one of these at Tartine Bakery. Zero regrets there!
Meet Fife, one of my SF housemates. He is ridiculously cute and such a good little boy.
Feather wallpaper went up in a bathroom project I worked on. It looked terrific.
And, it matched my feather henna tattoo from my friends' wedding over the weekend. Bonus.
Friendly coffees from the French Hotel are the perfect way to start the day!
Also, I finally met up with Yellow Owl Workshop for happy hour(s) and has such a great time. Because they are awesome. (So nice to meet you, Chris and Evan!). And, check out these beautiful black ceramic trophies they made custom for Eden & Eden!
Want to win a copy of Meg Mateo Ilasco's new book, Crafting a Meaningful Home? We thought you did! Just follow us on twitter (@fermlivingshop) or like us on facebook between now and the book launch party at on Thursday at 7, and we'll pick one lucky follower/fan at random to receive a free copy of Meg's new book.
If you don't end up winning the book from us though, you can still get a free copy with any purchase of $60 or more at Rare Device during the launch party. I have already have my eyes on this:
To feel even better about your purchase at the party, 10% of sales will be donated to Architecture for Humanity. It's a can't lose situation. Hope to see you Thursday!
Please be sure to stop by Rare Device next Thursday (7-9) to help us celebrate the launch of Crafting a Meaningful Home by Meg Mateo Ilasco. We were so happy to contribute a couple projects and will be equally happy to drink cocktails in celebration. If you're interested in buying the book (which we highly recommend...), here's the link to get your copy. Hope to see you next week!
Last time I was in SF, I put up some Tree Bomb in Purple/Gold in this guest bathroom. I wish the pictures had turned out better, because I promise it looks amazing. Small spaces with wallpaper on all four walls is where it is at. Anyway, I'm reminded of this project because I'm heading back to the bay today (yay!) and have two more wallpaper projects at the top (okay, maybe middle) of the agenda. I'll also be to seeing friends, going to a wedding, and drinking a lot of coffee at Cafe Greco (my homeless away from home office...)!
Fun to bump into this old lamp project I did for DIY Magazine on Apartment Therapy last week. At first I thought someone else had used the same fir tree wallpaper to line the inside of a lampshade, but then I realized, oh, I did that! Those curtains brought over for the shoot really threw me for a loop. I'm not a big curtain person, because it seems so hard to pick the right ones. Much better to stick to wallpaper, where you can't go wrong, I say!
And, check out these fun pictures from the NYC gift fair!
Love the little ferm kids sign made from the building blocks wall stickers. Can't wait for the new things to arrive...
Question: how could you not want to sit in this gorgeous living room on that amazing velvet chesterfield among our pretty pillows? Image via House and Home of the beautiful home of Mabel & Violet. Speaking of pillows, we were also excited to have ferm living be included in Apartment Therapy's Best Pillows of 2010 round-up, thanks AT!
How fabulous is this idea for a make shift aisle to walk down made with our Squares wallpaper? Leave it to Martha to come up with a unique solution for a chic destination wedding. This is just gorgeous!
I should also point out that our wallpaper and ghost chairs almost always make a killer combo.
How ravishing is this dining room?? We were so excited to get these pictures from a customer, Mike, who put up the silver forest flower wallpaper in his dining room. The room looks so luxurious and chic. The perfect place for a dinner party!
Check out the vases - very, very similar to the ones in ferm living's photo. Great minds think alike :)
Love the chandelier too. In my estimation, the room is perfect from every angle. Thanks so much, Mike!