I'm resolving to figure out how to combine 4 of my favorite interior spaces into one. And, also to do a bit more yoga, watch a bit less TV, wallpaper as much flat surface as appropriate, and perfect my spinach dip! Happy New Year!
I'm flying from New Mexico to San Francisco today and guess what I won't be doing. Reading. I'm having a difficult time getting into my latest book. Its about two princes that were killed in the Tower of London and is touted as a fascinating murder mystery. But it is turning out you have to dig through a lot of complicated historical background to get to the more captivating part which requires more focus than I can muster in an airplane. Anyway. Here's what I'm going to do instead... Figure out where I can put wallpaper in my new apartment.
The cubby area, don't you think? But which pattern? Bold color or something more nuetral? And then, they'll be a DIY divider in the bedroom. Anywhere else? The walk in closet? That might be extra good so I can hide it from my landlord in case it turns out wallpaper isn't his thing ;) I will also be playing A LOT of this on my iphone! Be warned, it is very addictive. I'm determined to beat Aimee in the real life version. She's annoyingly good, so I have to practice, practice, practice. Even her boys could probably beat me at this point, to be honest. Why is it so hard to find all those little words?
Just doing some more "research" today for pretty things and ran into some of our ferm LIVING wall stickers on Flickr! Check out this beautiful, modern bedroom with our branches from here.
We love seeing our wall stickers and wallpaper up in people's homes! It is so fun to see the different ways they are used and that people are enjoying them!
Just getting ready to drive up to Colorado from New Mexico for Christmas! I can't wait to drive through the snowy mountains (some people aren't as excited for me to drive, but that's a much longer story...). I also can't wait to get there so I can bundle up, get cozy by the wood stove and dive into some glossy magazines.
On the top of my list is the new Elle Decor! We LOVE Remodelista, and just found out they contributed a easy design fix article. Ferm Living even gets a little shout out, which we were delighted about!
[As a side note, we got to show our appreciation for our very favorite design blogs like Remodelista on Apartment Therapy's Homies Awards. Rock the vote! And, if you're as wallpaper obsessed as me (or at least support the idea of it), someone was kind enough to nominate Clever Spaces. We'd love your vote here: Homies!!! (just go to the home design and look for fermlivingshop.blogspot.com).]
Back to Elle Decor... If you click throught the links in the online article, you will be led to THIS! As I go to sleep tonight with visions of sugar plums, no doubt I will also be dreaming of these pretty succulents. And, wallpaper, of course!
We ALWAYS love bumping into ferm LIVING, which was why we were extra excited about the second edition of Lonny Magazine. Be sure to check out the lovely home of Vanessa De Vargas who added a pretty touch of ferm to her LA pad!
Catching up on my reading, I just ran across this glorious bedroom in House Beautiful designed by Gary Spain. He was picked as one of the 20 "Next Wave" designers to watch.
Needing to see more, I checked out his website which features an incredible portfolio of rooms including this bedroom with our ribbed wallpaper.GORGEOUS. Wow!
In the article, Gary shared his design prediction: "In the future, everyone will change their interiors as often as they change their clothes." That's sort of my philosophy...wallpaper being the winter jacket. It is worthwhile getting one you love and that works with everything!
Just a few fir tree inspired gifts for you nature lovers! Fragrant Burn candles, quirky owls made from bark and pine cones, and an adorable winterscape stamp set from Yellow Owl Press. Stay warm!
Check out this beautiful dining room of Betsy Maddox on Design Sponge today! Betsy is an interior designer in Chicago, and used our wildflower wallpaper to warm up her Oak Park home. Being stranded in Chicago today, I can most definitely vouch for the need to warm things up here sometimes!
Her whole home is so charming - Be sure to check it out here!
We're obsessed with wallpaper (clearly), so we thought we'd let it inspire our holiday wish lists this year. First up... one of our newest designs, the sophisticated and sexy, Monroe! To match its bold, festive vibe, we present the perfect pair of champagne flutes, Dazzleglass (just the right touch of shimmer!) and this most beautiful, sparkling necklace from one of my favorite shops in Bucktown, p45.
Casasugar is doing a Best of 2009 Wallpaper poll, and we'd LOVE you to vote for us if you get the chance! Mostly because, it is always nice to be a winner. I've heard. Thank you!
We've had a fun start to the week with some exciting media shout outs. First off, we hit the magazine stands with O Magazine! Our Wallpaper Projects book was featured in Oprah this month!
By blog: Yesterday, I shared a favorite holiday gift idea at casasugar! By the way, for a more indulgent present, here's what is at the very top of my list because it is SO FAB I can hardly stand it!:
Newspaper: And, we've been talking about the way a wall sticker can change up a kids room quickly in the Houston Chronicle. My favorite wall sticker at the moment is the birch tree. I think it would look so lovely in a kid room or an adult room. Or in my living room for that matter...