Wall Sticker boxes actually make great garage decor. Or at least that's what my parents think, I guess... And, my little nephew Eli thinks his grandpa makes the best homemade ice cream. That's my interpretation of this photo my mom just sent me, anyway.
Don't miss our Summer Sale. Seriously. I also recommend using the SUMMERSOLSTICE code at checkout for even more savings! Speaking of, the Solstice is tomorrow. It's a big deal in Denmark, so I feel compelled to make it a big deal as well. As in I'll be drinking gin and tonics on a deck somewhere in the sun...
This is my dad. A long time ago... Very James Dean, no? Little did he know then that he'd become one of the best fathers a daughter could ask for.
Here's the rest of his family an equally long time ago. I love this picture for some reason most likely having to do with the wallpaper and the mystery of what everyone is looking at. Thought I'd include this shot too, because that happens to be my wonderful uncle that I miss very much. I never got to meet my grandpa but based on his two sons, I know I would have liked him a lot. Happy Father's Day!
We were working on a wallpaper install a couple weeks ago which involved some serious wallpaper removal.
A second layer of wallpaper was revealed, which made me realize just how much hidden history can be found in an old house. Made me smile and think a bit about life. Wallpaper can do that :)
Hooray! Aimee just finished putting up our Vertigo wallpaper in her guest bathroom. It looks SO PRETTY.
To add to the prettiness that are black and white stripes, she added in a new mirror and a couple prints from her favorite 20X200.
Somewhere I have pictures of the before. Hmmm... I wonder where I put those. I guess you'll just have to trust me when I say what a difference some stripes make. Nice work, Aimee!
My favorite thermo mug found a new home! Alongside, this lovely present I got for my birthday last year. It's a little bit chaotic on the shelf, I know. But that's the way life is sometimes...
What a fun surprise to bump into our Apple Tree Tea Towel at the de Young gift shop over the weekend. I'd always suspected it was fine art.
After perusing through the museum, we took in some brass band sounds at the pavilion close by. Did you know this band plays for free every Sunday in Golden Gate Park and has been doing so since 1882? Pretty incredible. I'm planning on spending many more (*sunny) Sundays strolling around the park. Hope to see you there!