A lovely customer, Miranda, sent us this picture of her master bedroom with newly installed Tree Bomb wallpaper! We love how it turned out and thinks it works so beautifully with her black headboard and those gorgeous pillows! Thanks, Miranda!
We were really pleased to be featured in Kim Cook's AP story this weekend about cork home decor! There are so many cool products being made from cork these days. The story explains why it is such a great substance and showcases a number of new cork items of the market these days, including: Our cork dinner mats and cork trivet! Check them out in our kitchen section. Also, be sure to start using the word corking more. [Thought I'd check the usage just in case it was a term for something, well, not PG, that I didn't know about...but it isn't.] Have a corking Monday!
This weekend I plan to spend a lot more time cruising around the city on my new bicycle. It was Uncle's bicycle and just delivered from Iowa to me last week. It makes me think of him which makes me smile. I'd forgotten how freeing cruising around on a bike can feel. I just got this Wizard of Oz type basket on the front which adds an extra element of fun. Hope you have happy weekends out there!
I was delighted to find these pictures on Flickr of such an adorable nursery. With our Ferris wallpaper as a background, the combo of the vintage bed, gorgeous curtains, butterfly wall stickers, wooden stool and lovely floors add up to perfection!
I'm super excited to be guest blogging at one of my favorite design blogs, From the Right Bank, today! My post is, not surprisingly, about wallpaper. I focused on my favorite wallpaper applications that add wallpaper into the mix of old and new. You can read it here. Thank you, Ally!
One of my favorite examples I forgot to include was Matthew Williamson's room from the book, New London Style. I think it is an amazing mix of eras (and colors...), and the wallpaper works beautifully!
Oops, I just realized that I haven't blogged in a little while. My only excuse (which I do feel is a good one) is that I've been spending my free time watching Party Down. Have you been watching? I love it. Anyway, I'm all caught up so I can focus on some of my other favorite things again, like wallpaper...